Laerskool haakdoorn

School overview

Laerskool Haakdoorn is a public primary school located at 247, Swaeltjie Street, Haakdoornboom, Pretoria in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Laerskool Haakdoorn is an ordinary school specializing in ordinary subjects.

The school is a Section 21 school meaning it is allocated finances by the department and is responsible for ordering stationery, textbooks, paying water and lights accounts and undertaking their own maintenance under ACD functions and classified under quintile 4 


Caption for an image of your class

Our school song:

In  thankfulness and honour, glory

To our God and to our Lord join hands together, build our future

Honour God, do honour God

In the open country side,

Mountains , thorn trees and blue skies

Boldly stand our school with pride

Where we work with joy and zeal to live and grow our motto

We strive always to be true

We are steadfast everyday

Pupil of Haakdoorn School


How Haakdoorn Primary started